Basic example KT3D OK, IDpower and NN estimate

This example shows how to obtain simultaneous ordinary kriging, inverse to the power of the distance and nearest neighbor estimates using pygslib.gslib.KT3D.

In [1]:
# import third party python libraries
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# make plots inline
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# import pygslib
import pygslib

In [3]:
# target point
xc = [0]
yc = [0]
zc = [0]

# data
x = [1.5,1.2,0,-1,0]
y = [1.5,0,1.1,0,-0.5]
z = [0,0,0,0, 0]
vr = [1,2,3,4,5]
bhid = [1,2,3,4,5]

# see points location
plt.plot (xc,yc, '*', markersize=20)
plt.plot (x,y, 'o',  markersize=10)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1dcf3a72048>]

In [4]:
# creating parameter dictionary for estimation in one point
kt3d_Parameters = {
            # Input Data 
            # ----------
            'x' : x, 
            'y' : y,
            'z' : z,
            'vr' : vr,
            # Output (Target point) 
            # ----------
            'nx' : 1,  
            'ny' : 1,  
            'nz' : 1, 
            'xmn' : 0,  
            'ymn' : 0,  
            'zmn' : 0,  
            'xsiz' : 1,  
            'ysiz' : 1,   
            'zsiz' : 1, 
            'nxdis' : 1,  
            'nydis' : 1,  
            'nzdis' : 1,  
            'outx' : xc,
            'outy' : yc,
            'outz' : zc,
            # Search parameters 
            # ----------
            'radius'     : 850,   
            'radius1'    : 850,   
            'radius2'    : 250,   
            'sang1'      : -28,  
            'sang2'      : 34,   
            'sang3'      : 7,   
            'ndmax'      : 12,    
            'ndmin'      : 1,  
            'noct'       : 0,
            # Kriging parameters and options 
            # ----------
            'ktype'      : 1,   # 1 Ordinary kriging 
            'idbg'       : 0,   # 0 no debug 
            # ID power parameter
            'id2power'   :2.0,   # the power applied to the inverse of the distance
            # Variogram parameters 
            # ----------
            'c0'         : 0.35,    
            'it'         : [2,2],    
            'cc'         : [0.41,0.23], 
            'aa'         : [96,1117],   
            'aa1'        : [96,1117],  
            'aa2'        : [96,300],   
            'ang1'       : [-28,-28],   
            'ang2'       : [ 34, 34],  
            'ang3'       : [  7,  7]}

In [5]:
# estimating
estimate, debug, summary = pygslib.gslib.kt3d(kt3d_Parameters)

In [7]:
print (estimate)

{'x': [0], 'y': [0], 'z': [0], 'outidpower': array([4.1657987], dtype=float32), 'outnn': array([5.], dtype=float32), 'outest': array([3.0942636], dtype=float32), 'outkvar': array([0.43245965], dtype=float32), 'outlagrange': array([-0.06698406], dtype=float32)}

In [8]:
print ("NN estimate :", estimate['outnn'])
print ("ID2 estimate :", estimate['outidpower'])
print ("OK estimate :", estimate['outest'])

NN estimate : [5.]
ID2 estimate : [4.1657987]
OK estimate : [3.0942636]

In [ ]: